
Good attendance is vital for children to achieve well and be happy at school. Children who are absent regularly may fall behind or be unhappy coming to school. It is part of our school ethos that good attendance is expected and rewarded.


If your child is not present at school - as early as you can on the first day of absence please phone the school office 01752 225649, there is an answer phone facility for you to leave a message. 

It is important that we know where your child is. We may phone you if we are unsure as to why your child is absent.

Term Time Holidays

Under new guidance from the DfE, any request for a holiday during term time must be authorised by the school and we are only allowed to authorise term time holidays in exceptional circumstances. Any parent who takes their child on holiday without authorisation may receive a Penalty Notice.

Education Welfare Officer

An Education Welfare Officer who works for the Local Authority checks our registers regularly and will be in touch with you if you child fails to attend school on a regular basis.